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What is the Difference Between Fate and Destiny?

Writer: Antonius SandyAntonius Sandy

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Possibly it has crossed your mind on questions regarding fate and destiny, "isn't Fate and Destiny the same thing?" Well, they are not exactly the same. Let's drill down the difference between the two.

Wondering what is the difference between Fate & Destiny.
Person Thinking of Destiny & Fate

What is FATE?

Fate is what you are given from birth. Like your parents, your family, your gifts & talents, your inner nature character and the people that you meet. Fate is fixed, you can't change it. It's already given or handover to you.

What is DESTINY?

Destiny is what you do or actions that you take or decisions that you make from whatever given to you from birth. Basically destiny is in your hands as every decision that you make will shape your future.


There was a saying that I heard back then "If you were born poor, it's not your fault. But if you die poor, that's entirely your fault!" That statement encapsulates what Fate & Destiny means. Winning in this game of life has little to do with the cards you were dealt and more to do with how you play them.

"It's not about the cards you're dealt. But how you play the hand" - Randy Pausch

With the use of Chinese Astrology, it can help you to know your what your given talents are and how you can maximize on whatever you've got to win in this game of life. It's like you are given a Roadmap of your Life, that guides you in every step or decision you make. It gives you a better optics, which in turn you will make a better quality decisions to win in this game of life. Ultimately, it helps you find success, happiness and fulfillment.

If you would like to get a personal consultation to know more about your Destiny, please click here for career consultation and please click here for relationship consultation.



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